Tibetan Evidence for the Sources of Chapters of the Synoptic Suvarna-prabhasottama-sutra T 664 Ascribed to Paramartha


  • Michael Radich Victoria University of Wellington




Tibetan translations, sūtras of Chinese composition, Tibetan catalogues


Four chapters survive of a supposed translation of the Suvarna-prabhasottama-sutra by Paramartha (499–569). Versions of these chapters are also found in a later Chinese version of the sutra by Yijing. In earlier work, I have argued that these chapters were most likely composed in China, basing my argument upon extensive verbatim correspondences between these chapters and a number of earlier Chinese texts. However, a significant obstacle still stands in the way of this thesis. A Tibetan version of the sutra (here called 'Tib II') also includes the same chapters, and Tibetan tradition holds that this version is a translation from Sanskrit. Here, I examine evidence that suggests that these portions of Tib II might in fact be translations from Chinese, despite the reports of Tibetan bibliographers. In closing, I consider some broader implications of my findings.

Author Biography

  • Michael Radich, Victoria University of Wellington
    Senior Lecturer, Religious Studies


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How to Cite

Radich, M. (2016). Tibetan Evidence for the Sources of Chapters of the Synoptic Suvarna-prabhasottama-sutra T 664 Ascribed to Paramartha. Buddhist Studies Review, 32(2), 245-270. https://doi.org/10.1558/bsrv.v32i2.27084