Becoming a Nun in the Dharmaguptaka Tradition


  • Ann Heirman Ghent University



Buddhist nuns, ordination, vinaya


The present article discusses the two stages that, according to the vinaya texts, precede a full ordination of a woman candidate within the samgha: the stages of novice and of probationer. In the context of the present-day discussions on the position of nuns within the samgha, and on the (re)introduction of a nuns' ordination in lineages where today this is not fully accepted, the article focuses on the formal issues that in the Dharmaguptaka vinaya tradition precede the nuns' ordination and thus prepare the basis on which the full ordination was traditionally built.

Author Biography

  • Ann Heirman, Ghent University

    history of Buddhism, Vinaya


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How to Cite

Heirman, A. (2008). Becoming a Nun in the Dharmaguptaka Tradition. Buddhist Studies Review, 25(2), 174-193.