Parsing, Error Diagnostics And Instruction In A French Tutor


  • Gilles Labrie
  • L.P.S. Singh



intelligent tutors, parsing, syntax, computer-assisted language instruction


This paper describes the strategy used in Miniprof, a program designed to provide "intelligent' instruction on elementary topics in French. In case of an erroneous response from a student, the program engages him/her in a Socratic dialogue. It asks specific questions about the sentence involved, thereby leading the student to identify each mistake and its correction. The systematic error detection and subsequent human-like instruction specific to the student's response is achieved by using three major functions: parsing, error diagnostics, and tutoring. The design of the system and the issues involved are discussed.


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How to Cite

Labrie, G., & Singh, L. (2013). Parsing, Error Diagnostics And Instruction In A French Tutor. CALICO Journal, 9(1), 9-25.