Online World Language Instruction Training and Assessment: An Ecological Approach Carmen King Ramírez, Barbara A. Lafford, and James E. Wermers


  • Heidy Cuervo Carruthers Southern Illinois University



CALL Teacher Education


Online World Language Instruction Training and Assessment: An Ecological Approach Carmen King Ramírez, Barbara A. Lafford, and James E. Wermers Washington DC: Georgetown University Press US $34.95 ISBN 9781647121051 (Hardback) 312 pages 2021

Author Biography

  • Heidy Cuervo Carruthers, Southern Illinois University

    Heidy Cuervo Carruthers, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Spanish at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville. She is also the Director of the Language Teacher Education Program at SIUE. Her teaching and research interests include instructional technology for language learning, teacher education and assessment, affordances of online education, approaches to language communicative and cultural competence, among other things. She studies the use of different technological tools in language courses. She has given many presentations on these topics at the American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages Convention, the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, CALICO, and the Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Some of her peer-reviewed publications can be found in journals, such as the Central States Report on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, and international publications such as Lingüística Aplicada.


Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development. Harvard: Harvard University Press.

Kuhn, T. S. (1962). Historical structure of scientific discovery: To the historian discovery is seldom a unit event attributable to some particular man, time, and place. Science, 136(3518), 760–764.

Muhammad, A., & Cruz, L. F. (2019). Time for change: 4 essential skills for transformational school and district leaders. Bloomington: Solution Tree Press.




How to Cite

Carruthers, H. C. (2023). Online World Language Instruction Training and Assessment: An Ecological Approach Carmen King Ramírez, Barbara A. Lafford, and James E. Wermers. CALICO Journal, 40(1), 118–121.

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