Talk Now! Turkish


  • Vehbi Türel University of Manchester



Turkish, language-learning, beginners

Author Biography

  • Vehbi Türel, University of Manchester

    Vehbi is a Research Assistant at The University of Manchester. He has an M.Ed. in Educational Technology and TESOL from The University of Manchester. He is currently doing his Ph.D. on Creating Multimedia Listening Materials for Intermediate Autonomous Learners at the University of Manchester, School of Education, CELSE, The United Kingdom. He is mainly interested in computer-based learning and teaching (especially listening skills); independent learning; and creating materials (in particular listening materials), in English, Kurdish and Turkish. He is also a co-editor of two journals: Graduate Educational Journal, and The Researcher.


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Watts, N. (1997). A learner-based design model for interactive multimedia language learning packages. System 25:1,1-8.






Software Reviews

How to Cite

Türel, V. (2013). Talk Now! Turkish. CALICO Journal, 18(1), 91-100.