East by Mid East

Studies in Cultural, Historical and Strategic Connectivities


  • Anchi Hoh Library of Congress
  • Brannon Wheeler U.S. Naval Academy




silk road, regional politics, Middle East, Asia-Middle East Studies, Muslim-Confucian relations, transnational allegiances, strategic relations

Author Biographies

  • Anchi Hoh, Library of Congress

    Anchi Hoh is Head of Collection Services, Asian Division, Library of Congress and Editor for Journal of Middle East and Islamic Studies in Asia. She holds a Ph.D and two MAs in Middle Eastern and Jewish Studies and an MLS. She is a recipient of the 2009 Library of Congress Madisonian Award.

  • Brannon Wheeler, U.S. Naval Academy

    Brannon Wheeler is the founding Director of the Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies and Professor of History at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis. He is the author and editor of eight books and other articles focusing on the History of Religions, Islamic Studies, and the history of the Middle East. His most recent book is Mecca and Eden: Ritual, Relics and Territory in Islam (University of Chicago, 2006). He is also the former editor of this Journal.







How to Cite

Hoh, A., & Wheeler, B. (2012). East by Mid East: Studies in Cultural, Historical and Strategic Connectivities. Comparative Islamic Studies, 7(1-2), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1558/cis.v7i1-2.1