Approaching Mulla Sadra as Scriptural Exegete

A Survey of Scholarship on His Quranic Works


  • Mohammed Rustom Carleton University



Islamic Philosophy, Qurʾānic Hermeneutics, Contemporary Scholarship


This article offers the first comprehensive survey of scholarly literature devoted to the Quranic works of the famous Muslim philosopher, Mulla Sadra (d. 1050/1640). While taking account of the merits and shortcomings of studies on Sadra’s Quranic writings, we will also be concerned with highlighting some of the methodological problems raised by the diverse range of approaches adopted in these studies. Chief amongst them is the tendency to pit Sadra the philosopher against Sadra the scriptural exegete. Such a dichotomy is not entirely helpful, both with respect to painting a clearer picture of Sadra’s religious worldview, and to addressing broader questions pertaining to the intimate relationship shared between the “act” of philosophy and the “act” of reading scripture.

Author Biography

  • Mohammed Rustom, Carleton University
    Mohammed Rustom is Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Carleton University.


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How to Cite

Rustom, M. (2010). Approaching Mulla Sadra as Scriptural Exegete: A Survey of Scholarship on His Quranic Works. Comparative Islamic Studies, 4(1-2), 75-96.