Embodying the Field

A researcher’s reflections on power dynamics, positionality and the nature of research relationships


  • Nina Hoel University of Cape Town




embodiment, ethnography, Muslim women, positionality, power dynamics, South Africa


This article focuses on the various ways in which research relationships evolve and are negotiated by paying particular attention to the embodied nature of ethnographic research. By drawing on my own research experience of interviewing South African Muslim women about sexual dynamics, I critically engage debates concerning power dynamics in research relationships as well as researcher positionality. I argue that researchers should pay increasing attention to the multiple ways in which doing research always is an embodied practice. I present three case studies that highlight the complex ways in which research encounters speak to notions of intimacy, vulnerability and affect. In this way I argue that research encounters forge primary human relationalities that are marked by moments of convergence, conflict and despondency.


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Author Biography

  • Nina Hoel, University of Cape Town

    Nina Hoel is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Cape Town.


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How to Cite

Hoel, N. (2013). Embodying the Field: A researcher’s reflections on power dynamics, positionality and the nature of research relationships. Fieldwork in Religion, 8(1), 27-49. https://doi.org/10.1558/firn.v8i1.27