A Phenomenological Study of the Gnostic Church of Brazil


  • Andy Dawson University of Lancaster




new religions, Brazil, Gnostic Church, Igreja Gnóstica do Brasil


Integrated increasingly within the globalizing system of late-modernity, Brazil is undergoing widespread transformation in every sphere of its economic-political, social-cultural and religiousspiritual life. Once a bastion of Roman Catholicism, Brazil is today home to some of the fastest growing non-Catholic religious movements, has greeted enthusiastically a number of homegrown and imported new religions and is witnessing the growth of alternative spiritualities and mystical practices. Together these new and alternative forms of late-modern religiosity are reshaping contemporary understandings of religion and what it means to be religious. This article builds upon fieldwork undertaken in Brazil in recent years to offer a phenomenological study of a neo-esoteric organization called the Gnostic Church of Brazil (Igreja Gnóstica do Brasil). After locating the Gnostic Church of Brazil within its surrounding neo-esoteric landscape, the article details its origins, discourse and practice. Concluding remarks signal the possibility of organizational transition within the Gnostic Church of Brazil from a more to a less traditional repertoire of action.


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Author Biography

  • Andy Dawson, University of Lancaster

    Andy Dawson lectures in religious studies at Lancaster University and has degrees in social science, theology and religious studies. He researches and publishes on religion and society in South America, particularly Brazil. His latest work engages non-mainstream religious phenomena in Brazil and is called New Era – New Religions: Religious Transformation in Contemporary Brazil (2007).


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How to Cite

Dawson, A. (2007). A Phenomenological Study of the Gnostic Church of Brazil. Fieldwork in Religion, 2(1), 27-48. https://doi.org/10.1558/fiel2007v2i1.27