Community Chaplaincy Listening in a Community Mental Health Group


  • Alan Gibbon Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
  • Debbie Baldie Ninewells Hospital, Dundee



Assets, chaplaincy, community, listening, mental health, resilience


Method: This was a pilot service evaluation, evaluating the impact of CCL on a Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) with 12 participants, all of whom attended a mental health support group. All participants attended an individual CCL session and received a maximum of two sessions of CCL and a minimum of one. Participants were asked to complete the Scottish Spiritual Care PROM; a questionnaire with both preset questions and a general free text box two weeks after engaging with the CCL. Summary statistics were conducted on the PROM survey responses to understand people's experiences of the service and its perceived personal impact.

CCL is evaluated as beneficial by all who received it in this study. It has the potential to increase people's positive outlook, which was a reported outcome from ten people participating in this study. Larger scale studies are required to verify the reliability for the findings from this small pilot study.

Author Biographies

  • Alan Gibbon, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

    Alan Gibbon is a Senior Chaplain and Professional Lead for Person Centred Care with the Department of Spiritual Care NHS Tayside. He is also National Strategic Lead for Community Chaplaincy Listening in Scotland.

  • Debbie Baldie, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

    Debbie Baldie is a Senior Nurse at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland and a Practice Development/Research Fellow at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland.


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How to Cite

Gibbon, A., & Baldie, D. (2019). Community Chaplaincy Listening in a Community Mental Health Group. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 7(1), 57-74.