Living with music

Departures and returns among early New Orleans jazz musicians


  • Nicholas Gebhardt Birmingham City University



jazz, New Orleans, writing, narrative


This article experiments ways of registering the ordinary experiences of place amongearly New Orleans musicians as they depart the city in search of new opportunitiesand return home, sometimes permanently, sometimes only briefly. The narrative movesbetween different times, places, and particular journeys, featuring a range of voices:some local, some not; some well-known, while others have been forgotten. The aim isto address issues of how we tell our histories of jazz and how we think about the placeof the music within people's everyday experiences.

Author Biography

  • Nicholas Gebhardt, Birmingham City University

    Nicholas Gebhardt is Professor of Jazz and Popular Music Studies at BirminghamCity University, UK.


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How to Cite

Gebhardt, N. (2020). Living with music: Departures and returns among early New Orleans jazz musicians. Jazz Research Journal, 13(1-2), 270–282.