Pro- and Assortative-sociality in the Formation and Maintenance of Religious Groups


  • Luther H. Martin University of Vermont
  • Donald Wiebe Trinity College, University of Toronto



Religious prosociality, religious assortative sociality, cognitive science of religion, experimental cognitive studies


Studies of evolved mechanisms and strategies supporting religious prosociality dominate the experimental agendas of cognitive scientists of religion while neglecting religion's antisocial, assortative consequences. We question, first of all, the assumed correlation between religion and prosociality; second the hypothesis that religious prosociality plays a role in the formation of large-scale societies, as advanced by some; the neglect of the historical record in experimental design and in the assessment of experimental results; and finally, suggest that funding sources more friendly to a positive view of religions explains the research bias supporting religious prosociality.

Author Biographies

  • Luther H. Martin, University of Vermont

    Proferssor Emeritus of Religion

  • Donald Wiebe, Trinity College, University of Toronto

    Professor of the Philosophy of Religion


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How to Cite

Martin, L. H., & Wiebe, D. (2019). Pro- and Assortative-sociality in the Formation and Maintenance of Religious Groups. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 2(1), 5-61.