A Room of One’s Own

Autistic Imagination as a Stage for Parasocial Interaction and Social Learning


  • Ingela Visuri Gävle University




autism, imagination, cognition, parasocial relations, religion, multimodal integration, coping


This article examines the role and function of imagination and parasocial(fiction-based) relations among autistic individuals. In interviews,seventeen high functioning, autistic young adults describe how theyfrequently absorb into daydreams, fantasy literature and multiplayeronline roleplaying games. These findings diverge from previous cognitiveresearch which suggests that imagination is limited in autisticindividuals; a conclusion which is also challenged by scholars incritical autism research. It is suggested that these opposed scholarlyviews can be bridged analytically and methodologically by separatinginterpersonal and intrapersonal imagination, of which only the former,social aspect is affected across the whole autism spectrum. Theresults indicate that parasocial relations are used both for pleasure andto cope with adversities, and that imaginary realms serve as optimalautistic spaces for simulating and practicing social interaction. Thearticle moreover provides a comparative discussion on parasocial andsupernatural relations.

Author Biography

  • Ingela Visuri, Gävle University

    PhD-candidate in the Study of Religions.


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How to Cite

Visuri, I. (2020). A Room of One’s Own: Autistic Imagination as a Stage for Parasocial Interaction and Social Learning. Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion, 5(1), 100-124. https://doi.org/10.1558/jcsr.37518