Food Storage among the Iberians of the Late Iron Age Northwest Mediterranean (ca. 225–50 bc)


  • Mateo González-Vázquez Universitat de Barcelona



agriculture, grain production, late Iron Age, Roman expansionism, storage, western Mediterranean


Storage pits are one of the most common archaeological features of an area that comprises the Catalancoastal region and western Languedoc. Although some of these pits are found in the region from as earlyas the Neolithic period, it is not until the late Iron Age-early Roman period (ca. 225-50 bc) that theybecome pervasive in the archaeological record, and as such the prevailing tendency is to take these foodreserves as an indicator of increased social complexity, as evidence of the ability of the peasantry to producesurplus and as marking the completion of a diachronic process of sedentarisation, all three of which are traditionallylinked more generally to the practice of storage. Consequently, for the most part, this explanationgives a pivotal role to storage, but fails to address storage as an economic process in itself. With these scholarlymisconceptions in mind, I adopt a cross-cultural perspective in order to reconsider the role of storageas a crucial form of evidence for understanding economic structures, localised responses and the landscape.In connection with this, I suggest that the storage pits' function-to protect production from human (e.g.thieving) and natural threats-is an aspect of fundamental importance for any attempt to explain socialand cultural changes in Iberia from the beginning of Roman colonisation.

Author Biography

  • Mateo González-Vázquez, Universitat de Barcelona

    Mateo González-Vázquez recently defended hisPhD dissertation at the Universitat de Barcelonaunder the supervision of Professor José Remesaland Dr Víctor Revilla. His research focuses onIberian archaeology during the Late Iron Ageand early Roman expansion. He graduatedfrom the Universitat de Barcelona (Licenciatura,2012; PhD 2019) and the University of Oxford(MPhil, 2014). He has participated in manyarchaeological excavations in Spain and abroad(Monte Testaccio, Rome), and he is also a memberof the Production and Distribution of Foodduring the Roman Empire: Economic and PoliticalDynamics project, funded by the EuropeanResearch Council.


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How to Cite

González-Vázquez, M. (2020). Food Storage among the Iberians of the Late Iron Age Northwest Mediterranean (ca. 225–50 bc). Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology, 32(2), 149-172.