Grounding the Stars

Towards an Ecological Astrology


  • Patrick Curry University of Kent



nature religion, animist, astrology, Weberian


In this paper I seek to outline a conception of astrology in which nature—not a modernist Cartesian nature but the living and sensuous natural world—is central. This involves contextualizing astrology as, in effect, a divinatory practice in which the Earth and its animist apprehension is indispensable. Such a move runs counter to much discourse, both by hostile critics (religious and scientific) and astrologers themselves, which is viewed in Weberian and neo-Weberian terms as part of an attempt, damaging if ultimately unsuccessful, to rationalize and thus disenchant astrology. The positive implications for an openly animist and pluralist astrology are then briefly explored.

Author Biography

  • Patrick Curry, University of Kent
    University of Kent


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How to Cite

Curry, P. (2007). Grounding the Stars: Towards an Ecological Astrology. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 1(2), 210-219.