Bulletin for the Study of Religion, Vol 42, No 4 (2013)

Ghost, Broken Narratives and the Art of Dying

Lars Christian Kofoed Rømer
Issued Date: 13 Nov 2013


This article investigates how experiences of ghosts can be seen as a series of broken narratives. By using cases from contemporary as well 19th century Denmark I will argue that ghosts enter the world of the living as sensations that question both common sense understanding and problematize the unfinished death. Although ghosts have been in opposition to both science and religion in Denmark at least since the reformation I will exemplify how people deal with the broken narrative of ghosts in ways that incorporate and mimic techniques of both the scientist and the priest. Ghosts, thus, initiate a dialogue between the dead and the living concerning the art of dying that will enable both to move on.

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DOI: 10.1558/bsor.v42i4.15


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