CALICO Journal, Vol 8, No 4 (1990)

Using Système-D In A Classroom Environment

Jack L. Burston
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014


The purpose of this paper is to provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of Système-D, a composition resource tool, in a first-year university level advanced language classroom environment, incorporating a simple text editor, a small bidirectional French-English dictionary, a lexicon of thematically related vocabulary and phrases, and elementary grammar notes. Système-D has great potential to enhance basic writing skills. Unfortunately, on their own, few students show themselves willing or able to profit from what Système-D has to offer. Maximum exploitation of the program requires its integration into the curriculum and the classroom. When used as a vehicle for directed text manipulation exercises. In combination with peer group teaching, Système-D can lead to welcome improvements in grammatical accuracy. The active involvement of the instructor in the process, however, is crucial to its success. Complete control of Système-D's functions and a thorough knowledge of the contents of its data bases are a sine qua non for the selection of topics, preparation of exercise texts, and provision of supplementary pedagogical materials.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.v8i4.51-57


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