The Dynamics of Spiritual Care Among Swedish Hospital Chaplains: Approaching the Future in the Present
This article presents a pilot study on pastors and deacons serving as hospital chaplains who provide spiritual care within a large urban hospital in Sweden. This descriptive study presents a unique contextual insight into Swedish hospital chaplains’ experiences. The purpose of this article, through the analysis of semi-structured interview material, is to describe hospital chaplains’ ability to meet medical staff and patients’ expectations. The results of the analysis are presented under three headings: chaplains in secularized spaces; chaplains filling in gaps; and cultural diversity. This will hopefully promote a conversation about the developing role of Swedish hospital chaplains in times of societal change. More research is encouraged to better detail the topic of the developing role through voices of hospital chaplains from other faith communities.
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PDF (Price: £17.50 )DOI: 10.1558/hscc.18737
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