Implicit Religion, Vol 18, No 1 (2015)

Systemic Constellation as a Trans-Rational Image of the Unconscious: Non-Religious Spirituality, or Implicit Religion?

Ivo Jirasek, Miroslava Jiraskova
Issued Date: 25 Mar 2015


“Systemic constellation” is a particular method for achieving a deeper understanding of our life at the level of our unconsciousness. It is based on C.G. Jung’s psychology and we can understand “constellation” in this context as some kind of “role play”. It becomes possible to visualize specific problems or topics, to depict abstract themes or things that oppress us, to identify what is more interesting to us and/or appeals to us more deeply. It is an experiential and existential modus; and it is not easy to put such phenomena into words. However, the substance of the principle of Systemic Constellations is still hidden, some kind of secret. Yet we can meet with something bigger than we are: a kind of wholeness, a system with its bonding and relationships. The article asks whether it is preferable to understand this approach in the framework of “implicit religion,” or of “non-religious spirituality.”

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DOI: 10.1558/imre.v18i1.26879


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