Fasting in Christianity and Gurdjieff
Issued Date: 3 Mar 2015
The use of fasting by the Greek-Armenian mystic G.I. Gurdjieff (c. 1866– 1949) has never been studied. Although it was not as important in Gurdjieff’s system as his better known methods (e.g. self-observation and the sacred dances), fasting nonetheless numbered among the techniques he employed for ‘self-remembering’. Over a period of about twenty-five years, Gurdjieff variously stated that fasting could be used for developing the will, altering the tempo of one’s metabolism, curing disease and cleansing the body and for self-study. Gurdjieff also had unique, if unscientific, ideas on how to fast. This article gathers the relevant material, some of which has never been published, and offers a preliminary assessment and evaluation of the significance of Gurdjieff’s ideas about fasting. It is fair to say that, for Gurdjieff, fasting is important because eating is important in his system and was used as a means for development of consciousness or ‘self-remembering’. Then, according to Gurdjieff, the development of consciousness will, by a sort of providence, produce ‘higher hydrogens’ available for the trogoautoegocratic process.
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Adie, George M., and Joseph Azize
2007 George Adie: A Gurdjieff Pupil in Australia. Lighthouse Work Books, London.
2003 Guide and Index to G.I. Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson, 2ndedn. Traditional Studies Press, Toronto.
Azize, Joseph
2012 Gurdjieff’s Sacred Dances and Movements. In Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Productions, edited by Carole M. Cusack and Alex Norman, 297-330.Brill, Leiden.
2013 ‘The Four Ideals’: A Contemplative Exercise by Gurdjieff.ARIES, 13: 173-203.
Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
2008 Encountering the Mystery. Doubleday, New York.
Bell, Mary C.
1998 [1949]Some Memories of the Prieuré. Gurdjieff International Review, 1(4). Online: (accessed August 8, 2013).
Bennett, John G.
1962 Witness: The Story of a Search. Bennett Books, Santa Fe.
1973 Gurdjieff: Making a New World. Harper & Row, New York.
1977 Talks on Beelzebub’s Tales.Coombe Springs Press, Sherborne.
Bradshaw, Paul F. andMaxwell, E. Johnson,
2011 The Origins of Feasts, Fasts and Seasons in Early Christianity. Liturgical Press, Collegeville.
Bushell, W.C.
1995 Psychophysiological and Comparative Analysis of Ascetico-Meditational Discipline: Toward a New Theory of Asceticism. InAsceticism edited by Vincent L. Wimbush and RichardValantasis, 553-575. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford.
Buzzell, Keith A.
2006 Explorations in Active Mentation. Fifth Press, Salt Lake City.
Claustres, Solange
2005 Becoming Conscious with G.I. Gurdjieff, translated by Dawn Wakefield and Paul Richardson.Eureka Editions, Utrecht.
De Salzmann, Jeanne
2010 The Reality of Being: The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff.Shambhala, Boston and London.
De Salzmann, Michel
1985 Footnote to the Gurdjieff Literature. In Gurdjieff: An Annotated Bibliography, edited by J. Walter Driscoll and the Gurdjieff Foundation of California, xvi-xxv. Garland Publishing Inc., New York.
Dukes, Paul
1950 The Unending Quest: Autobiographical Sketches.Cassell& Co. Ltd, London
Fortescue, Adrian
1911 The Christian Eastern Orthodox Church, 3rdedn. Catholic Truth Society, London
Gurdjieff, George I.
1950 Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson.Routledge & Kegan Paul, London(references are from the edition by Two River Press, Aurora, a 1993 reprint of the original).
1963 Meetings with Remarkable Men. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London (references are from the edition published byArkana, London in 1985).
1973 Views from the Real World: Early Talks of Gurdjieff. E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., New York.
1975 Life Is Real, only then, When ‘I Am’. E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. for Triangle Editions, Inc., New York.
2009 Transcripts of Gurdjieff’s Meetings 1941-1946. 2ndedn. Book Studio, London.
2014 Gurdjieff’s Early Talks 1914-1931. Book Studio, London.
de Hartmann, Thomas and Olgade Hartmann
1992 Our Life with Mr Gurdjieff. Arkana, London.
Hoffer, L. John
1999 Metabolic Consequences of Starvation. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, edited by A. Catharine Ross et al., 645-666. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. 645-666.
Hulme, Kathryn and SolitaSolano et al.
2012 Gurdjieff and the Women of the Rope, Book Studio, UK.
Moore, James
1991 Gurdjieff: The Anatomy of a Myth. Element, Rockport MA.
Mother Mary and Ware, Kallistos
1978 The Lenten Triodion. Faber and Faber, London.
Needleman, Jacob
2005 Gurdjieff Tradition. InDictionary of Gnosis andWestern Esotericism, vol. 1, edited by Wouter J. Hanegraaff, 450-4. Brill, Leiden and Boston.
Nott, C.S.
1961 Teachings of Gurdjieff:Journal of a Pupil.Routledge & Kegan Paul, London(references are from the edition published by Arkana, London in 1990).
Orage, A.R.; Morris, L. and Manchester, S.
2013 Orage’s Commentary on Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson: New York Talks 1926-1930. Book Studio, UK.
Ouspensky, Piotr D.
1949 In Search of the Miraculous.Harcourt Brace, New York.
1950 The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution. Hedgehog Press, New York
1986 A Further Record. Arkana, London and New York.
Palmer, G. E. H., Philip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware
1999 The Philokalia: The Complete Text, Volume 4. Faber and Faber, London
Pogson, Beryl
1961 Maurice Nicoll: A Portrait, Fourth Way Books, New York (1987 reprint)
Taylor, Paul Beekman
2007 The Philosophy of G.I. Gurdjieff. Eureka Editions, Utrecht.
2008 G.I. Gurdjieff: A New Life. Eureka Editions, Utrecht.
Tchechovitch, Tchesslav
2003 Tu L’Aimeras. Éditions Charles Antoni L’Originel, Paris.
Tchekhovitch, Tcheslaw
2006 Gurdjieff: A Master in Life. Dolmen Meadow Editions, Toronto.
Waldberg, Michel
1981 Gurdjieff: An Approach to His Ideas. Arkana, London.
Ware, Timothy
1963 The Orthodox Church. Pelican Books, Middlesex.
Webb, James
1980 The Harmonious Circle: An Exploration of the Lives and Work of G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky and Others. Thames and Hudson, London.
Weindruch, Richard and Walford, Roy L.
1988 The Retardation of Aging and Disease by Dietary Restriction. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield.
Wellbeloved, Sophia,
2003 Gurdjieff: The Key Concepts. Routledge, London and New York.
Wimbush, Vincent L. and Valantasis, Richard (eds)
1995 Asceticism. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford.
Unpublished Materials
n. d. The Constantinople Notes of Mr Ferapontoff.
2007 George Adie: A Gurdjieff Pupil in Australia. Lighthouse Work Books, London.
2003 Guide and Index to G.I. Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson, 2ndedn. Traditional Studies Press, Toronto.
Azize, Joseph
2012 Gurdjieff’s Sacred Dances and Movements. In Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Productions, edited by Carole M. Cusack and Alex Norman, 297-330.Brill, Leiden.
2013 ‘The Four Ideals’: A Contemplative Exercise by Gurdjieff.ARIES, 13: 173-203.
Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople
2008 Encountering the Mystery. Doubleday, New York.
Bell, Mary C.
1998 [1949]Some Memories of the Prieuré. Gurdjieff International Review, 1(4). Online: (accessed August 8, 2013).
Bennett, John G.
1962 Witness: The Story of a Search. Bennett Books, Santa Fe.
1973 Gurdjieff: Making a New World. Harper & Row, New York.
1977 Talks on Beelzebub’s Tales.Coombe Springs Press, Sherborne.
Bradshaw, Paul F. andMaxwell, E. Johnson,
2011 The Origins of Feasts, Fasts and Seasons in Early Christianity. Liturgical Press, Collegeville.
Bushell, W.C.
1995 Psychophysiological and Comparative Analysis of Ascetico-Meditational Discipline: Toward a New Theory of Asceticism. InAsceticism edited by Vincent L. Wimbush and RichardValantasis, 553-575. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford.
Buzzell, Keith A.
2006 Explorations in Active Mentation. Fifth Press, Salt Lake City.
Claustres, Solange
2005 Becoming Conscious with G.I. Gurdjieff, translated by Dawn Wakefield and Paul Richardson.Eureka Editions, Utrecht.
De Salzmann, Jeanne
2010 The Reality of Being: The Fourth Way of Gurdjieff.Shambhala, Boston and London.
De Salzmann, Michel
1985 Footnote to the Gurdjieff Literature. In Gurdjieff: An Annotated Bibliography, edited by J. Walter Driscoll and the Gurdjieff Foundation of California, xvi-xxv. Garland Publishing Inc., New York.
Dukes, Paul
1950 The Unending Quest: Autobiographical Sketches.Cassell& Co. Ltd, London
Fortescue, Adrian
1911 The Christian Eastern Orthodox Church, 3rdedn. Catholic Truth Society, London
Gurdjieff, George I.
1950 Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson.Routledge & Kegan Paul, London(references are from the edition by Two River Press, Aurora, a 1993 reprint of the original).
1963 Meetings with Remarkable Men. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London (references are from the edition published byArkana, London in 1985).
1973 Views from the Real World: Early Talks of Gurdjieff. E.P. Dutton & Co. Inc., New York.
1975 Life Is Real, only then, When ‘I Am’. E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. for Triangle Editions, Inc., New York.
2009 Transcripts of Gurdjieff’s Meetings 1941-1946. 2ndedn. Book Studio, London.
2014 Gurdjieff’s Early Talks 1914-1931. Book Studio, London.
de Hartmann, Thomas and Olgade Hartmann
1992 Our Life with Mr Gurdjieff. Arkana, London.
Hoffer, L. John
1999 Metabolic Consequences of Starvation. In Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, edited by A. Catharine Ross et al., 645-666. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. 645-666.
Hulme, Kathryn and SolitaSolano et al.
2012 Gurdjieff and the Women of the Rope, Book Studio, UK.
Moore, James
1991 Gurdjieff: The Anatomy of a Myth. Element, Rockport MA.
Mother Mary and Ware, Kallistos
1978 The Lenten Triodion. Faber and Faber, London.
Needleman, Jacob
2005 Gurdjieff Tradition. InDictionary of Gnosis andWestern Esotericism, vol. 1, edited by Wouter J. Hanegraaff, 450-4. Brill, Leiden and Boston.
Nott, C.S.
1961 Teachings of Gurdjieff:Journal of a Pupil.Routledge & Kegan Paul, London(references are from the edition published by Arkana, London in 1990).
Orage, A.R.; Morris, L. and Manchester, S.
2013 Orage’s Commentary on Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson: New York Talks 1926-1930. Book Studio, UK.
Ouspensky, Piotr D.
1949 In Search of the Miraculous.Harcourt Brace, New York.
1950 The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution. Hedgehog Press, New York
1986 A Further Record. Arkana, London and New York.
Palmer, G. E. H., Philip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware
1999 The Philokalia: The Complete Text, Volume 4. Faber and Faber, London
Pogson, Beryl
1961 Maurice Nicoll: A Portrait, Fourth Way Books, New York (1987 reprint)
Taylor, Paul Beekman
2007 The Philosophy of G.I. Gurdjieff. Eureka Editions, Utrecht.
2008 G.I. Gurdjieff: A New Life. Eureka Editions, Utrecht.
Tchechovitch, Tchesslav
2003 Tu L’Aimeras. Éditions Charles Antoni L’Originel, Paris.
Tchekhovitch, Tcheslaw
2006 Gurdjieff: A Master in Life. Dolmen Meadow Editions, Toronto.
Waldberg, Michel
1981 Gurdjieff: An Approach to His Ideas. Arkana, London.
Ware, Timothy
1963 The Orthodox Church. Pelican Books, Middlesex.
Webb, James
1980 The Harmonious Circle: An Exploration of the Lives and Work of G.I. Gurdjieff, P.D. Ouspensky and Others. Thames and Hudson, London.
Weindruch, Richard and Walford, Roy L.
1988 The Retardation of Aging and Disease by Dietary Restriction. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield.
Wellbeloved, Sophia,
2003 Gurdjieff: The Key Concepts. Routledge, London and New York.
Wimbush, Vincent L. and Valantasis, Richard (eds)
1995 Asceticism. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford.
Unpublished Materials
n. d. The Constantinople Notes of Mr Ferapontoff.
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