Journal of Glacial Archaeology, Vol 1 (2014)

An Overview of Selected GIS Methods Available for Use in Glacial Archaeology

Stephanie R Rogers
Issued Date: 6 Nov 2014


In recent years, increased levels of glacial retreat and ice patch melt due to a warming climate in high altitudes have revealed new opportunities to study glacial archaeology. When artifacts become exposed, they are vulnerable to decomposition and should be collected promptly to protect their (pre)historic properties. Therefore, there is urgency to locate potential archaeological sites to avoid the loss of culturally significant remains. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used to help focus or predict potential glacial archaeological study areas based on their environmental and cultural characteristics. Here, an overview of the possibilities for glacial archaeological research using the spatial analysis methods of visibility, locational, and least-cost path analyses (LCPA) in GIS, is provided.

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DOI: 10.1558/jga.v1i1.99


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