Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Ecotheology 10.2 August 2005

An Overview of Teilhard's Commitment to 'Seeing' as Expressed in his Phenomenology, Metaphysics and Mysticism

John A. Grim, Mary Evelyn Tucker
Issued Date: 22 Feb 2007


Using Teilhard’s emphasis on ‘seeing’ this article explores Teilhard de
Chardin’s articulation of a vision of evolution as a dynamic process in
which the psychic character of physical matter evolves into ever-greater
complexity and consciousness. Teilhard proposed that evolutionary complexity-
consciousness is especially evident in the appearance of humans.
This work considers the significance of complexity-consciousness for Teilhard
as an emergent property of a matter-spirit dialectic. This article investigates
Teilhard’s commitment to seeing drawing on his phenomenology of
an involution of matter, a metaphysics of union with spirit, and a mysticism
of centration of person. Finally, there are brief considerations of the
contributions and limits of Teilhard’s thought in light of contemporary

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DOI: 10.1558/ecotheology.v10i2.147


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