Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Vol 11, No 1 (2017)

Decisive Ecological Warfare: Triggering Industrial Collapse via Deep Green Resistance

Todd LeVasseur
Issued Date: 4 Jul 2017


Deep Green Resistance (or DGR) is a US-based radical environmental group that calls for ‘decisive ecological warfare’ (DEW) that is motivated by naturalistic forms of nature spirituality and biocentric moral sentiments. Exceptionally militant, its advocates champion both aboveground and underground resistance to industrial capitalism, viewing sabotage and violence as a necessary tactic, grounding its views in both apocalyptic and millennial themes. To understand this movement, one must apprehend the ways its ecological, political, and spiritual understandings blend in ways that justify its advocacy of extreme means of ecological resistance.

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DOI: 10.1558/jsrnc.29799


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