Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Vol 13, No 1 (2019)

Saturn: An Auto-Ethnographic Enquiry into Contemporary Astrological Practice

Liz Hathway
Issued Date: 8 May 2019


Using qualitative and reflexive research methodology I explore the cultural role that the planet Saturn plays in contemporary communities of astrologers and the astrological way of life. Through an exploration of Saturn as a mythical figure and as symbol, I first discuss astrology’s cultural back­ground and demonstrate that astrologers have a cultural memory that has remained largely loyal to its roots in the Mesopotamian and Hellenistic periods. I then illuminate the way in which for contemporary astrologers sun-sign astrology functions as a contemporary expression of ancient myth. In addition, I examine the importance of the Saturn Return, which has since become an important symbol of transition, a rite of passage, and a modern form of enchantment that not only marks a life transition but also has the potential to effect one.

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DOI: 10.1558/jsrnc.38057


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