Language and Sociocultural Theory, Vol 2, No 1 (2015)

Towards a framework for assessing foreign language oral proficiency in a large-scale test setting: Learning from DA mediation examinee verbalizations

Tziona Levi
Issued Date: 24 Apr 2015


This paper presents the qualitative findings of a study that applied Dynamic Assessment (DA) to an English as a foreign language (EFL) oral proficiency test within a large-scale context in secondary schools in outlying areas in Israel. Two formats of mediation were scrutinized. Micro-genetic analysis of learners’ discourse during their interactions present several salient features showing rich potential for application in a large-scale setting: knowledge construction, self/peer interaction, self-criticism, use of L1 to advance L2, blurred roles of participants in a community of practice, group-DA and group ZPD. Clearer understanding of DA mechanisms and the current findings may lead to greater and more effective use of dynamic assessment in oral proficiency testing, especially with large groups.

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DOI: 10.1558/lst.v2i1.23968


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