The Colonial Mythology of Feminist Witchcraft


  • Chris Klassen York University



witchcraft, women and religion, goddess societies, Dianic witchcraft, wicca


This article explores the religious and political identities of feminist Witches through a discussion of the way feminist Witchcraft constructs prehistoric Goddess societies as colonized by patriarchal societies and early modern European witch hunts as maintaining that colonization. Feminist Witches often use colonial and postcolonial language to indicate the relationship between patriarchal religion(s) and/or system(s) and that of women and women-centered religious systems. Thus, though often problematic, colonialism stands in for patriarchy in many instances; similarly, postcolonialism stands in for the shaping of a new future in which feminist Witches are engaged. This article explores how feminist Witchcraft uses the metaphor of colonialism and postcolonialism with an aim to understand how feminist Witches understand their own identities both as members of a marginal new religious movement and as predominantly white women in a postcolonial setting.

Author Biography

  • Chris Klassen, York University

    Chris Klassen is a doctoral candidate in the Women.s Studies program at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is currently writing her dissertation on the construction of identity by feminist Witches through speculative fiction. She is contract faculty in the Religion and Culture department at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario.


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How to Cite

Klassen, C. (2007). The Colonial Mythology of Feminist Witchcraft. Pomegranate, 6(1), 70-85.