Margaret Murray and the Rise of Wicca


  • Juliette Wood Reading University



Neo-paganism, Margaret Murray, Wicca, folklore


Murray's quaint, 19th Century approach which sees 'survivals' in every custom and uses 'folk memory' to justify tenuous links between past and current practices, characterises the popular image of what folklore is.


Boardman, John, 1997, The Great God Pan: The Survival of an Image, London.

Burnett, David, 1991, Dawning of the Pagan Moon, An investigation into the rise of Western Paganism, Eastbourne.

Cohn, Norman, 1976, Europe’s Inner Demons, St Albans.

Crowley, Vivianne, 1989 Revised and updated Thorsens 1996, Wicca the Old Religion in the New Age, Wellingborough.

Frazer, James, Abridged version 1922, new ed. 1993, The Golden Bough, Wordsworth

Gardner, G.B., 1954, Witchcraft Today, London.

Ginsberg, Carlo, 1983, The Night Battles: Witchcraft and the Agrarian cults in the 16th and 17th centuries, London.

Hutton, Ronald, 1991, Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles, Blackwell.

Hutton, Ronald, 1996, The Stations of the Sun, Oxford.

Leland, C.G., 1899, Aradia or Gospel of the Witches, London.

Luhrmann, Tanya, 1989, Persuasion of the Witches Craft, Oxford.

Murray, Margaret, 1963, My First Hundred Years.

Michelet, Jules, 1958, Satanism and Witchcraft, New York.

Pearson, Karl, 1897, The Chances of Death and Other Studies in Evolution, 2 vols., Edward Arnold.

Simpson, Jacqueline, 1994, ‘Margaret Murray, Who Believed Her and Why’ Presidential Address of 1992 Folklore 105:89-96.



How to Cite

Wood, J. (2001). Margaret Murray and the Rise of Wicca. Pomegranate, 15(Winter), 45-52.