Putting the Blood Back into Blót: The Revival of Animal Sacrifice in Modern Nordic Paganism


  • Michael Strmiska Dept of Global Studies, Orange County Community College




Neo-Paganism, Paganism, Asatru, Heathenry, sacrifice


Animal sacrifice, once among the most universal of religious practices, is now among the most reviled and rejected. This article explores how a small number of Modern Nordic Pagans in the United States are experimenting with recreating the practice of animal sacrifice as part of their project of revitalizing past tradition.

Author Biography

  • Michael Strmiska, Dept of Global Studies, Orange County Community College
    Dept of Global Studies, Orange County Community College


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How to Cite

Strmiska, M. (2007). Putting the Blood Back into Blót: The Revival of Animal Sacrifice in Modern Nordic Paganism. Pomegranate, 9(2), 154-189. https://doi.org/10.1558/pome.v9i2.154