Conversational history: Introduction


  • Sanda Golopenția Brow University Author



conversational history, pragmatics, conversation analysis


Author Biography

  • Sanda Golopenția, Brow University
    Born in Romania, Sanda Golopenția is now based in the United States and has taught in the Department of French Studies at Brown University, United States, since 1981. She is currently Professor Emerita at Brown. Her publications on the subjects of linguistics, literary pragmatics and cultural semiotics include books, such as: (1972) The Transformational Syntax of Romanian (with E. Vasiliu; Bucharest: Editura Academiei - The Hague, Paris: Mouton); (1978) Current Trends in Romanian Linguistics (with A. Rosetti; Bucharest: Editura Academiei); (1988) Les voies de la pragmatiqu (Stanford French and Italian Studies; Saratoga, CA: Anma Libri); (1994) Voir les didascalies (with M. Martinez; Paris: Université de Toulouse Le Mirail et Éditions Ophrys); (1996) Les propos spectacle: Études de pragmatique théâtrale (New York - Washington, DC - Baltimore: Peter Lang); (2001) Intermemoria - Studii de pragmatică șiantropologie (Intermemory - Studies in Pragmatics and Anthropology; Cluj: Dacia); (2009) Româna globală (Global Romanian; Bucharest: Fundația Culturală Secolul 21); (2010) Hacia una nuev definición de las didascalías (Madrid: Ñaque Editora); (2016) Structuri, sisteme, transformări. Studii de lingvistică și poetică (Structures, Systems and Transformations; Studies in Linguistics and Poetics; Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române), as well as over 200 studies and essays that have been published in the United States, France, Romania, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, South Africa and Mexico.


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How to Cite

Golopenția, S. (2018). Conversational history: Introduction. Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(1), 5-8.