Semi-Automated Analysis of a Thesis


  • Oliver Mason University of Birmingham Author
  • Martha C Pennington Georgia Southern University Author



computerized textual analysis, correspondence analysis, phd thesis, reporting verbs, writing in the disciplines, english for specific purposes, academic english, postgraduate writing, thesis supervision


Given the high demands in knowledge and practice of written language conventions of academia and of specific disciplines, research traditions, and accepted approaches to thesis writing, doctoral students face a daunting array of challenges in writing a thesis. Here we discuss some ideas for automated analysis of low-level features of a thesis and preliminary work using Correspondence Analysis showing differences across chapters in theses from four fields (Biology, Linguistics, Tourism, and Film Studies) according to the presence of the three types of reporting verbs studied by Hyland (2002), i.e. those expressing research acts, cognitive acts, and discourse acts. The analysis illustrates the method and is suggestive of its potential for pointing up differences in thesis structure that might be of value for thesis students and their supervisors.

Author Biographies

  • Oliver Mason, University of Birmingham

    Oliver Mason (PhD University of Birmingham) is a Lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Birmingham (U.K.) and technical director of its Centre for Corpus Research. His research interests include grammar, discourse analysis, and phraseology. Originally a computational linguist, he also works on tools for the automatic analysis of natural language.

  • Martha C Pennington, Georgia Southern University

    Martha C. Pennington is Professor of Writing and Linguistics at Georgia Southern University, where she teaches first-year writing and linguistics classes. Professor Pennington and the editor of Writing & Pedagogy. Professor Pennington’s forthcoming books The College Writing Toolkit: Tried and Tested Ideas for Teaching College Writing, co-edited with Pauline Burton (Equinox, in press) and Language Program Leadership for a Changing World: An Ecological Model, co-authored with Barbara J Hoekje (Emerald, in press).


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How to Cite

Mason, O., & Pennington, M. C. (2010). Semi-Automated Analysis of a Thesis. Writing and Pedagogy, 1(2), 303-326.