What is Behind Yinshun’s Re-statement of the Nature of the Mulamadhyamakakarika? Debates on the Creation of a New Mahayana in Twentieth-century China


  • Stefania Travagnin University of Manchester




Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, Nāgārjuna, Yinshun, Jizang, Buddhism in modern China and Taiwan


Yinshun (1906–2005) is regarded as one of the most eminent monks in twentieth-century Chinese Buddhism. Previous research has argued that Yinshun especially undertook the mission of writing new commentaries on Madhyamaka texts. His efforts provoked a revival of interest towards the Madhyamaka school among contemporary Chinese Buddhists, and a re-assessment of the position of the writings of Nagarjuna within the history of Chinese Buddhism. This article focuses on Yinshun’s restatement of the nature of the Mulamadhyamakakarika, a text that has always been regarded as fundamental in the Madhyamaka/San-lun tradition in China. The first part analyzes Yinshun’s textual study of the Mulamadhyamakakarika, examining his approach to the text, and how he came to terms with previous Chinese traditional textual scholarship and canonical scriptures. The second part discusses Yinshun’s interpretation of the text by moving away from the micro-context of Chinese San-lun scholarship, and addressing the macro-context of the modern Chinese understanding of the Mahayana.

Author Biography

  • Stefania Travagnin, University of Manchester
    Stefania Travagnin is Lecturer in Buddhist Thought and Practice in the Department of Religions and Theology at the University of Manchester. She holds a PhD in the Study of Religions from SOAS, London (2009), has extensive fieldwork experience in East Asia, and has previously taught at the University of London (SOAS and Goldsmiths College), University of Missouri, University of Saskatchewan, and Pennsylvania State University. Her research and publications focus on different aspects of Buddhism in twentieth-century China and Taiwan. Her volume Taiwanese Madhyamaka? The Monk Yinshun (1906-2005) and his Study on Da zhidu lun is forthcoming in 2013 (London: Equinox Publishing Ltd.).


T1509 Da zhidu lun

T1521 Shi zhu piposha lun

T1564 Zhong lun

T1565 Shun zhong lun

T1566 Banruo denglun shi

T1567 Dacheng zhongguan shi lun

T1568 Shi’er men lun

T1569 Bai lun

T1824 Zhongguan lun shu

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How to Cite

Travagnin, S. (2013). What is Behind Yinshun’s Re-statement of the Nature of the Mulamadhyamakakarika? Debates on the Creation of a New Mahayana in Twentieth-century China. Buddhist Studies Review, 29(2), 251–272. https://doi.org/10.1558/bsrv.v29i2.251-272