Mara in the Chinese Samyuktagamas, with a Translation of the Mara Samyukta of the Bieyi za ahan jing (T.100)


  • Marcus Bingenheimer



Māra the Bad, Āgama literature


This article addresses some philological and structural-narrative issues concerning the suttas on Mara the Bad in Agama literature. Included is a translation of the Mara Samyukta of the Bieyi za ahan jing, which includes such famous passages as the suicide without further rebirth of Godhika.

Author Biography

  • Marcus Bingenheimer
    Dharma Drum Buddhist College, Taiwan


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How to Cite

Bingenheimer, M. (2007). Mara in the Chinese Samyuktagamas, with a Translation of the Mara Samyukta of the Bieyi za ahan jing (T.100). Buddhist Studies Review, 24(1), 46-74.