List-based Formulae in the Avadanasataka


  • Alice Collett University of Winnipeg



Oral studies, Formulaic language, Sanskrit texts, Avadānaśataka


This article is a study of formulaic passages in the Sanskrit Avadanasataka. Alongside a preliminary discussion of work on oral studies within Buddhism, and some recourse to wider oral studies on Indian texts, the focus of this article is a two-part study of formulae and constituents of formulae. The first part of the article details formulaic sections from the Avadanasataka, from short formulae about wealthy merchants to lengthy counterparts that detail the consequences of a Buddha's smile. The second part looks in detail at constituents of the formulaic passages. The passages are constructed around semantic lists, which either constitute the whole formulaic phrase or passages, or (sometimes along with verses) can be identified as the building blocks for the passages. To my knowledge (such as it is) this is the first study of semantic list-based formulae in a Sanskrit text.

Author Biography

  • Alice Collett, University of Winnipeg

    Department of Religious Studies University of Winnipeg


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How to Cite

Collett, A. (2007). List-based Formulae in the Avadanasataka. Buddhist Studies Review, 23(2), 155-185.