New Directions in CALL

An Objective Introduction to Second Life


  • Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz



Virtual Environments, Second Life (SL), Online Communities, Online Instruction


Multiuser virtual environments (MUVEs) are quickly gaining importance as tools for foreign language instruction by promoting collaboration and social presence in a lifelike 3-D environment. One of the largest and fastest growing of these MUVEs is Linden Lab's Second Life (SL). With an international membership of over 9,000,000 residents, SL is proving to be an important tool for foreign language education. This article provides an introduction to SL and examines some of the advantages and disadvantages of its use as an instructional tool for foreign language students and educators.


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How to Cite

Cooke-Plagwitz, J. (2013). New Directions in CALL: An Objective Introduction to Second Life. CALICO Journal, 25(3), 547-557.