New Directions in CALL

Getting to the Heart of It


  • Gail L. Robinson-Stuart



CALICO conference, keynote address


This article is the text of a multimodal keynote address given at the fifteenth annual CALICO Symposium in San Diego, California, in July 1998. The text of course cannot include the music and video excerpts and perceptual experiments in which the audience was engaged. [Comments in brackets indicate the points at which media were used.] The address at the CALICO symposium presented a multimodal paradigm for foreign language courses which draws upon interdisciplinary theories from anthropology, psychology, and language learning. The findings reported here are based on a pilot program in intensive Spanish conducted at San Diego State University in collaboration with the National Language Resource Center.


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How to Cite

Robinson-Stuart, G. L. (2013). New Directions in CALL: Getting to the Heart of It. CALICO Journal, 16(1), 11-23.

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