Customer Satisfaction in CALL

Queries from the Users and Our Final Impact


  • Wilfried Decoo



CALICO conference, plenary address


Plenary Address, Calico '92 International Symposium, "Bridges", Maastricht **** Valkenburg, The Netherland


Decoo, W., J. Colpaert, and S. Van Bulck. (1989). “Ik Geef Je Wel Even Een Kopietje: Over Het Sluikkopiëren en de Kosten-baten Analyze van Educatieve Software,” paper given at the Fourth Multidisciplinary Symposium Computer in Education, Free University of Brussels, 21 October.

______, E. Preckler, and J. Colpaert. (1990). “Computer-aided Production and Evaluation of Foreign Language Textbooks: Controlling the Lexical Growth and Reiteration Factors,” in: N. Estes, J. Heene and D. Leclercq (eds.), The Seventh International Conference on Technology and Education. New Pathways to Learning Through Educational Technology, (Edinburgh: CEP Consultants), 1, 426-428.

Skinner, B. F. (1960). “Special problems in programming language instruction for teaching machines,” IJAL, XXVI, p. 167-174. Also in: Robert Glaser, “Comments on the use of teaching machine techniques in the language laboratory,” Language Teaching Today, ed. F.J. Oinas. Bloomington: Indiana University Research Center in Anthropology, Folklore and Linguistics.

Uyttersprot, W., J. Colpaert, and W. Decoo. (1990). “The GUIDE Principle of User Interfacing in Courseware,” in : N. Estes, J. Heene and D. Leclercq (eds.), The Seventh International Conference on Technology and Education. New Pathways to Learning Through Educational Technology. Edinburgh: CEP Consultants, 1, 4-6.

Van Elsen, E., K. Van Deun, and W. Decoo. “Wordchip: The Application of External Versatility to an English Lexical CALL-program,” System: International Journal for Educational Technology, 19, 4, 401-417.







How to Cite

Decoo, W. (2013). Customer Satisfaction in CALL: Queries from the Users and Our Final Impact. CALICO Journal, 10(3), 50-64.