Discourse Classification into Rhetorical Functions for AWE Feedback


  • Elena Cotos Iowa State University
  • Nick Pendar Skytree




automated writing evaluation, rhetorical feedback, automated genre analysis, NLP and machine learning, research writing tutor


NLP-based technology constitutes the backbone of automated analysis of writing and feedback on grammar, usage, mechanics, style, organization, coherence, and content. However, analysis of rhetorical intent is a challenging NLP problem that remains to be addressed in order to facilitate the learning of academic genres. This paper reports on the development of the analysis engine for the [TOOL], an AWE program designed to provide genre and discipline-specific feedback on the functional units of research article discourse. Unlike traditional NLP-based applications that categorize complete documents, [TOOL]’s analyzer categorizes every sentence in the text as both a rhetorical move and step using a 17-step schema. The paper first reviews the approaches to and implementations of automated discourse categorization in order to provide a background for the automated genre analysis methodology. Then, it describes the construction of a cascade of two support vector machine classifiers trained on a multi-disciplinary corpus of annotated Introduction texts. Lastly, it demonstrates how this categorization approach was applied to the generation of feedback on the rhetorical functions of the research article genre. This work not only demonstrates the usefulness of NLP for automated genre analysis, but also paves the road for future AWE endeavors and forms of automated feedback that could facilitate construction of functional meaning in writing.

Author Biographies

  • Elena Cotos, Iowa State University
    Elena Cotos is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Applied Linguistics and Technology Program, and the Director of the Center for Communication Excellence of the Graduate College at Iowa State University. Her research interests include computer-assisted language learning and assessment, corpus-based genre analysis, English for specific/academic purposes, and data-driven learning. She is the author of Genre-based Automated Writing Evaluation for L2 Research Writing published by Palgrave Macmillan. Her work has also appeared in a number of edited volumes, and in journals such as CALICO Journal, ReCALL, Language Testing, International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Writing & Pedagogy and Language Learning and Technology.
  • Nick Pendar, Skytree
    Nick Pendar is Senior NLP/ML Scientist at Skytree – The Machine Learning Company®, San Francisco Bay Area. He holds a doctoral degree in Linguistics and Computer Science from the University of Toronto. His expertise lies in statistical natural language processing, symbolic computational linguistics, text categorization, sentiment analysis, information retrieval, text data mining, text analytics, and machine learning.


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How to Cite

Cotos, E., & Pendar, N. (2016). Discourse Classification into Rhetorical Functions for AWE Feedback. CALICO Journal, 33(1), 92-116. https://doi.org/10.1558/cj.v33i1.27047