Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, Vol 24, No 1 (2016)

Grievance and Shame in the Modern Age of Entitlement

James A. Montanye
Issued Date: 20 Sep 2016


Philosophers since Plato have questioned whether might makes right, and whether the weak are condemned perforce to suffer at the hands of strong, cunning, and ruthless elites and majorities. This essay argues that communicative and strategic uses of grievance, shame, “bullshit,” collective action, and economic rent seeking (“entitlement seeking”) mitigate conventional forms of social might, thereby helping the weak and the few (that is, modern social minorities) to prosper and flourish despite their inferior strength, numbers, and social status. The argument is supported empirically by macroeconomic and ngram (“word frequency”) data.

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DOI: 10.1558/eph.31168


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