Emancipatory Possibilities beyond Kyriarchy

A Mexican Woman's Story


  • Catherine Caufield Athabasca University




critical theory, fundamentalism, Latin America, Mexico, non-identity thinking, religion


María, a self-sufficient Mexican Christian woman, understands her life in terms of her relationship with God. Giving María voice as directly as possible, locating her within her cultural context of contemporary Mexico, and considering her conceptualization of God through the lens of critical theory, crevices are revealed where the light of transcendence shines through. This permits, however briefly, possibilities for reconciliation and resistance to the kinds of kyriarchal domination that are reflected in María’s particular story.


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Author Biography

  • Catherine Caufield, Athabasca University

    Catherine Caufield holds a doctorate in Religious Studies from the Centre for the Study of Religion in the University of Toronto. She has received a number of awards, including a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto and a Foreign Government Award with the Government of Mexico. She has published numerous articles in referred journals, as well as the book Hermeneutical Approaches to Religious Discourse in Mexican Narrative (Peter Lang, 2003). Her second monograph, Exploring Neomysticism through Contemporary Jewish-Mexican Fiction, is currently under review.


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How to Cite

Caufield, C. (2016). Emancipatory Possibilities beyond Kyriarchy: A Mexican Woman’s Story. Fieldwork in Religion, 10(2), 209-231. https://doi.org/10.1558/firn.v10i2.27731