Chaplains – How Are They Known?


  • Debbie Hodge Health Care Chaplaincy Free Churches Group



Chaplain, needs, spiritual assessment


Spiritual Assessment and spiritual care is the domain of health care chaplains – but if the chaplains’ contribution to health outcomes is to be recognized, it needs to be described and articulated in a language that is understood by others caring for the patient/client. This article, building on a “model of chaplaincy”, explores further spiritual assessment and the recognition that chaplains offer a unique way of utilizing the patients/clients words to explore and meet deep felt needs.

Author Biography

  • Debbie Hodge, Health Care Chaplaincy Free Churches Group

    Revd Debbie Hodge is an ordained minister in the URC and formerly a Nurse and Nurse Educator (Principal Lecturer University of Hertfordshire), Chaplain at North and East Hertfordshire NHS Trust and Royal Marsden Hospital. She is now Secretary for the Health Care Chaplaincy Free Churches Group, Chief Officer MFGHC and budget holder for the NHS England Chaplaincy Project.


Anandarajah, G., and E. Hight (2001) “Spirituality and Medical Practice: Using the HOPE Questions as a Practical Tool for Spiritual Assessment”. American Family Practice 63: 81–88.

Carey, L. B (2012) “Utility and Commissioning of Chaplains”. In Oxford Textbook of Spirituality and Health Care, eds Mark Cobb, Christina M. Puchalski and Bruce Rumbold, 401, Table 54.3 “Pastoral Interventions”. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hodge, D. J. (2011) “Chaplains – How Are They Known?” UK Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 11(2): 32–40.

LaRocca-Pitts, M. (2008) “FACT: Taking a Spiritual History in a Clinical Setting”. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 15: 1–12.

Puchalski, C. M., and A. L. Romer (2000) “Taking a Spiritual History Allows Clinicians to Understand Patients More Fully”. Journal of Palliative Medicine 3: 129–37.



How to Cite

Hodge, D. (2014). Chaplains – How Are They Known?. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 1(2), 165-172.