Tehat the Weaver

Women’s Experience in Manichaeism in Fourth-century Roman Kellis


  • Majella Franzmann University of New England




religion, Australia, Pacific, academic study


There is noise in the distance, someone shouting, a child runs by, calling as she passes the house. The woman at the weaving loom stops abruptly and comes to the door, shading her eyes to look against the glare of the sun towards the distance where the slow line of camels signals the return of the camel freight train to the town of Kellis. She is a business woman, owning a part of the thriving weaving business and perhaps also a part of the camel freight business. She is the Manichaean woman, Tehat.

Author Biography

  • Majella Franzmann, University of New England
    Majella Franzmann is Professor in Studies in Religion at the University of New England. She has edited and translated the Syriac texts from Kellis, and worked in conjunction with Iain Gardner (University of Sydney) on the Syriac-Coptic bilingual texts also from Kellis. Majella's most recent books are Women and Religion (2000) and Jesus in the Manichaean Writings (2003).


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How to Cite

Franzmann, M. (2007). Tehat the Weaver: Women’s Experience in Manichaeism in Fourth-century Roman Kellis. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 20(1), 17-26. https://doi.org/10.1558/arsr.v20i1.17