Guest Editors’ Introduction


  • Patrice Cressier CIHAM-UMR
  • Annliese Nef University of Paris, Sorbonne





The following collection of papers were originally conceived as a forum between historians of material culture and those of texts. In the hopes of completing the editorial project in a timely fashion and in response to the friendly encouragement of the editors of both journals, who welcome today contributions on the Fatimids and the central Mediterranean, the archaeological and textual studies are finally united in the form of two homogeneous and complementary publications, one in this special issue of the Journal of Islamic Archaeology, the other in the Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (vol. 139, June 2016), to which we refer for a fuller introduction


Arcifa, L. and A. Bagnera.

“Islamizzazione e cultura materiale a Palermo: una riconsiderazione dei contesti ceramicidi Castello-San Pietro.” In Les dynamiques de l’islamisation en Méditerranée centraleet en Sicile: nouvelles propositions et découvertes récentes, edited by F. Ardizzone and A. Nef,

–190. Bari-Roma: Edipuglia.

Arcifa, L., A. Bagnera and A. Nef.

“Archeologia della Sicilia islamica: nuove proposte di riflessione.” In Histoire et archéologiede l’Occident musulman (VIIe-XVe siècle): al-Andalus, Maghreb, Sicile, edited by Ph. Sénac,241–274. Toulouse: CNRS-Université Toulouse le Mirail.

Azuar Ruiz, R.

“Una necesaria revisión de las cerámicas andalusíes halladas en Italia.” Arqueología y Territorio Medieval 12.1: 175-199.

Bagnera, A.

“From a Small Town to a Capital: The Urban Evolution of Islamic Palermo (9th-mid11th Century).” In A Companion to Medieval Palermo, edited by A. Nef, 11–38. Leiden: Brill.

Barrucand, M., ed.

L’Égypte fatimide, son art et son histoire. Paris: Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne.

Berti, G. and A. García Porras.

“A propósito de ‘Una necesaria revisión de las cerámicas andalusíes halladas en Italia’.”Arqueología y Territorio Medieval 13(1): 155–195.

Bramoullé, D.

“La Sicile dans la Méditerranée fatimide (Xe-XIe siècle).” In Les dynamiques de l’Islamisationen Méditerranée centrale et en Sicile: nouvelles propositions et découvertes récentes, edited by

F. Ardizzone and A. Nef, 25–43. Roma-Bari: École française de Rome-Edipuglia.

Cressier, P. and M. Rammah.

In press. Ṣabra al-Manṣūriyya. Capitale fatimide.

Picard, C.

La mer des califes. Une histoire de la Méditerranée musulmane. Paris: Seuil.







How to Cite

Cressier, P., & Nef, A. (2016). Guest Editors’ Introduction. Journal of Islamic Archaeology, 2(2), 135-137.

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