“The Astronomy in Skyscapes – Archaeoastronomy beyond Alignments”

Full day session at the National Astronomy Meeting, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), 27th June–1st July, 2016


  • Frank Prendergast Dublin Institute of Technology




National Astronomy Meeting


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Author Biography

  • Frank Prendergast, Dublin Institute of Technology

    Frank Prendergast is an archaeologist, archaeoastronomer and geodetic surveyor who has written extensively about the prehistoric monuments in Ireland, with particular reference to the Irish passage tombs tradition. He is a Council member of the International Society for Archaeoastronomy and Astronomy in Culture (ISAAC) as well as being a member of SEAC being instrumental in organising their conference ‘Astronomy, Cosmology and Landscape’ and for which he was co-editor of the Proceedings. His forthcoming publications include 'An architectural perspective on structured sacred space - recent evidence from Iron Age Ireland' in F Silva and N Campion(eds.) Skyscapes in Archaeology (Oxbow, in press)and contributions in the forthcoming Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy edited by C L N Ruggles(Springer).


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How to Cite

Prendergast, F. (2017). “The Astronomy in Skyscapes – Archaeoastronomy beyond Alignments”: Full day session at the National Astronomy Meeting, University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), 27th June–1st July, 2016. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 3(1), 136-141. https://doi.org/10.1558/jsa.33308