Re-envisioning Ecotheology and the Divine from the Margins


  • Joerg Rieger Southern Methodist University



feminist theology, liberation theology, ecology, environment


While concerns for the environment and concerns for oppression along the lines of class, race, and gender have developed on different tracks, there are an increasing number of proposals for bringing them together. Feminist and liberation theologians have led the way. In the process, the various perspectives have begun to reshape each other. At a time when ecological concerns seem to become more and more ‘wedded to the dominant world view’, a perspective which re-envisions humanity, the divine, and ecology from the margins might help to develop new horizons. The result is a more constructive ecotheological perspective which will lead us beyond the hegemonic tendencies of romantic or ‘purely factual’ views of the environment.

Author Biography

  • Joerg Rieger, Southern Methodist University
    Professor of Systematic Theology, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275-0133, USA


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How to Cite

Rieger, J. (2004). Re-envisioning Ecotheology and the Divine from the Margins. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 9(1), 65-85.

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