Bulletin for the Study of Religion, Vol 45, No 1 (2016)

Religion, Gender, and Sexuality among Youth in Canada: Some Preliminary Findings

Heather Shipley, Pamela Dickey Young, Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Issued Date: 12 Apr 2016


Since 2012, we have been investigating Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth (18-25 year olds) in Canada (RGSY). Ours is a mixed-methods study that has used a web-based survey, interviews, and video diaries to collect data from 486 Canadian youth. Our project maps onto research that was done in the United Kingdom by Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip, Sarah-Jane Page, and Michael Keenan. They kindly offered to let us use and modify their questionnaire for our own web-based survey and now we are at the point of having some interesting international comparisons. As well, researchers in several other countries are beginning similar studies.

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DOI: 10.1558/bsor.v45i1.29924


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