Reshaping the Jātaka Stories: from Jātakas to Avadānas and Praṇidhānas in Paintings at Kucha and Turfan
Issued Date: 13 Jul 2012
Kucha was the major Buddhist center on the Northern Route of the Silk Road, and well known for being dominated by the Sarvāstivāda school for most of its history. Replacing the jātaka story, the avadāna story (story of causation) became the major theme depicted on the ceiling of the central-pillar caves in this area (fifth–seventh centuries). Turfan is another important cultural center in Central Asia where Buddhism once flourished. The praṇidhāna (or ‘vow’) painting, which was based on the Bhaiṣajyavastu, a vinaya text of the Mulasarvāstivāda school, was a unique subject normally appearing on the walls of Buddhist caves in Turfan (ninth twelfth centuries). Both the avadāna and praṇidhāna stories are derived from jātaka stories, with significant shifts of focus, as well as of the format of the narrative. In this paper, through studying the avadāna and vow paintings at Kucha and Turfan, and comparing them with jātakas in early Buddhist art, I attempt to show how jātaka stories were transformed for different doctrinal messages of Buddhist teaching in some late ‘Hīnayāna’ schools, namely Sarvāstivāda and Mulasarvāstivāda, and how the visual representations mirror the narrative styles in Buddhist texts.
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T 152 Liudu jijing六度集經 (*Ṣaṭ-pāramitā-saṃgraha-sūtra). Trans.*Saṅghapāla, third century.
T 200 Zhuanji baiyuan jing撰集百緣經(Avadāna-śataka). Trans. Zhiqian支謙, 222–280 CE.
T 202 Xianyujing賢愚經 (The Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish). Trans. Dharmaśikṣa or Prajñābodhi慧覺 (Huijue), 424–452 CE.
T 1448 Mūlasarvāstivāda Bhaiṣajyavastu. Trans. Yijing, 695–713 CE.
T 1451 Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinayakṣudrakavastu. Trans. Yijing, 695–713 CE.
Bechert, Heinz. 1973. ‘Notes on the Formation of Buddhist Sects and the Origins of the Mahāyāna’. In German Scholars on India: contributions to Indian studies, edited by F. Max Müller, vol.1, 6–18. Varanasi: Chowknamba Sanskrit Series Office.
Bechert, Heinz. and Yuyama Akira. 1979. Systematische Ubersichtuber die buddhistische Sanskrit-Literatur (A systematic survey of Buddhist Sanskrit literature).Wiesbaden: Steiner.
Chattopadhyay, Jayanti. 1994. Bodhisattva Avadānakalpalatā: A Critical Study. Calcutta: Atisha Memorial Publication Society.
Dayal, Har. 1932. The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Dutt, Nalinaksa. 1930. Aspects of Mahāyāna Buddhism and its Relation to Hīnayāna. London: Luzac.
Feer, L. 1891. Avadāda-çataka, cent légendes (bouddhiques) traduites du sanskrit (Annales du Musée Guimet, vol. 18). Paris: Leroux.
Frauwallner, Erich. 1956. The Earliest Vinaya and the Beginnings of Buddhist Literature. Translated from the German by L. Petech. Rome: Is. M. E. O.
Grünwedel, Albert. 1912. Altbuddhistiche Kultstätten in Chinesisch Turkestan. Berlin: Georg Reimer.
Hahn, Michael. 1992. ‘The Avadānaśataka and its Affiliation’. In Proceedings of the XXXII International Congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg 25th–30th August 1986, edited by A. Wezler and E. Hammerschmidt, 170–171. Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
Hartmann, Jens-Uwe. 1999. ‘Buddhist Sanskrit Texts from Northern Turkestan and their Relation to the Chinese Tripiṭaka’. In Buddhism Across Boundaries: Chinese Buddhism and the Western Regions, edited by Erik Zürcher et al., 107–136. Taipei County: Foguang Cultural Enterprise Co.
Hdul-bagshi, Sman-gyigshi no. 1030, vol. 6, 222b–223c [Tibetan text].
Hirano, Shinkan平野真完. 1961. ‘Bezeklik dai 9 go kutsuji yu meibun no seiganga no kosatus ベゼクリク第九号窟寺銘文による誓願画の考察’ (Investigation of the Inscriptions and Paintings of Bezeklik Cave 9). Bijutsu Kenkyè no.218 .9: 27–44.
Hiraoka, Satoshi. 1998. ‘The Relation between the Divyānadāna and the Mūlasarvāstivāda vinaya’. Journal of Indian Philosophy 26: 419–434.
Howard, Angela. 1991. ‘In support of a new chronology for the Kizil mural paintings’. Archives of Asian Art 46: 68–83.
Jia, Yingyi. 1992. ‘Bezeklik Shiku Chutan (A Study of Bezeklik Caves)’. In Xinjiang Shiku—Turfan Bezeklik Shiku. Ed. by Xinjiang Museum. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe & Xinjiang Uighur zizhiqu bowuguan. [Unpaginated book].
Kumagai, Nobuo 熊谷宣夫.1962. ‘Ōtani korekusion no seiganga shiryō大谷コレクションの誓願画資料’. Bijutsu Kenkyū no. 218, 9: 83–108.
Le Coq, Albert. 1913.Chotscho: Facsimile-wiedergaben der wichtigeren Funde der ersten Königlich preussischen Expedition nach Turfan in Ost-Turkistan, im Auftrage der Generalverwaltung der Königlichen Museen aus Mitteln des Baessler-Institutes. Berlin: D. Reimer.
Le Coq, Albert. and E. Waldschmidt. 1923–1933. Die Buddhistische Spätantike in Mittelasien. 7 vols. Berlin: Reimer.
Leidy, Denies P. 2001. ‘Bezeklik Temple 20 and Early Esoteric Buddhism’. Silk Road Art and Archaeology 7: 201–222.
Lesbre, Emmanuelle. 2001. ‘An Attempt to Identify and Classify Scenes with a Central Buddha Depicted on Ceilings of the Kizil Caves’. Artibus Asiae vol. LXI: 305–354.
Li, Chongfeng 李崇峰. 2003. Zhongyin fojiao shikusi bijiao yanjiu 中印佛教石窟寺比較研究. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe.
Liu, Hongliang 柳洪亮. 1986. ‘Bezeklik shiku niandai shitan—genju Huihu gongyang renxiang dui dongku de duandai fenqi柏孜柯里克石窟年代试探—根據回鶻供養人像對洞窟的斷代分期’. Dunhuang yanjiu 3: 61–70, 106–108.
Liu, Yongzeng. 2001. ‘Bezeklik di 32 ku shiyuan tu jianshu’. Dunhuang yanjiu 1: 43–49.
Ma, Shichang. 1996. ‘Kizil zhongxinzhuku zhushi quanding yu houshi de bihua. ‘ In Zhongguo shiku— Kizil shiku II, 174–226. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.
Mair, Victo H. 1999. ‘The Khotanese Antecedents of The Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish (Xianyujing)’. In Buddhism Across Boundaries – Chinese Buddhism and the Western Regions Collection of Essays 1993, edited by E. Zürcher, 361–420. Taipei County: Foguangshan Foundation for Buddhist & Culture Education.
Meng, Fanren. 1981. ‘Xinjiang Bezeklik kusi liushi yu wai bihua xu lue’ (A Survey of the Bezeklik Paintings in the Foreign Collection). Kaogu yu wenwu 4: 43–61.
Meng, Fanren, et al. eds. 1995. Gaochang bihua jiyi. Urumuqi: Xinjiang Renmin chubanshe.
Nagai, Evelyn Naruye. 1977. Iconographic Innovations in Kuchean Buddhist Art. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.
Nakamura, Hajime. 1980. Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes. Hirakata.
Ohnuma, Reiko. 2007. Head Eyes Flesh and Blood: Giving Away the Body in Indian Buddhist Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.
Qiuci Shiku Yanjiusuo et al. eds. 1993. Kezi’er shikuzhi. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe.
Sander, Lore. 1979. ‘Buddhist literature in Central Asia’. In Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, edited by Jotiya Dhirasekera, 4: 52–75. Colombo: the Government of Sri Lanka.
Sarkar, Sadhanchandra. 1981. C. A Study on the Jātakas and the Avadānas: Critical and Comparative. Calcutta: Saraswat Library.
Schopen, Gregory. 2004. ‘Deaths, Funerals, and the Division of Property in a Monastic Code’. In his Buddhist Monks and Business Matters: Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India, 91–121. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
Sharma, Sharmistha. 1985. Buddhist Avadānas: Socio-political Economic and Cultural Study. Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers.
Speyer, J. S. ed. 1958. Avadādaçataka: a Century of Edifying Tales Belonging to the Hīnayāna. 2 vols. The Hague: Mouton. Orig. pub. 1902–1909.
Su, Bai 宿白.1989. ‘Kizil bufen dongku jieduan huafen yu niandai deng wenti de chubu tansuo. 克孜尔部分洞窟階段化分與年代等問題的初步探’. In Zhongguo shiku— Kizil shiku I, 10–23. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.
Takahata, Kanga, ed. 1954. Ratnamālāvadāna, A Garland of Precious Gems or a Collection of Edifying Tales, Belonging to the Mahāyāna. Oriental Library, series D, vol. 3. Toyo Bunko.
Vignato, Giuseppe 2004: Kizil dongku zuhe diaocha yu yanjiu—dui Qiucifojiao de xintansuo (An Archaeological Study of Groups of Caves in Kizil: A New Perspective of Buddhism in Kucha). PhD Dissertation, Beijing University.
Waldschmidt, Ernst, Walter Clawiter and Lore Sander et al. eds. 1965. Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden. Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften Handschriften in Deutschland, vol.1. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.
Willemen, Charles, and Bart Dessein. 1998. Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Scholasticism. Leiden: Brill.
Yao, Shihong. 1987–88: ‘Kizil shiku bensheng gushigua de ticai zonglei’. Dunhuang yanjiu 3(1987): 65–74; 4(1987): 19–25; 1(1988): 18–21.
Yao, Shihong. 1997. ‘Kizil shiku bufen dongku zhushi zhengbi suhui ticai’. In Zhongguoshiku-Kizil shiku III, edited by Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu, 178–186. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.
Zhao, Li. 1993. ‘Xianyujing yu Kezi’er shiku benyuan gushi bihua (The Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish’ and the stories of Jātakas and Avadānas in the Wall Paintings of Kizil Caves)’. Xiyu yanjiu 2: 97–103.
Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan kaogu yanjiushsuo shiyanshi. 1991. ‘Xinjiang Turfan he nanjiang diqu bufen shiku niandai ceding baogao’ (Test Report of the Dates of Some of the Caves at Turfan and Southern Region in Xinjian). Kaogu 11: 1039–1045.
T 200 Zhuanji baiyuan jing撰集百緣經(Avadāna-śataka). Trans. Zhiqian支謙, 222–280 CE.
T 202 Xianyujing賢愚經 (The Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish). Trans. Dharmaśikṣa or Prajñābodhi慧覺 (Huijue), 424–452 CE.
T 1448 Mūlasarvāstivāda Bhaiṣajyavastu. Trans. Yijing, 695–713 CE.
T 1451 Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinayakṣudrakavastu. Trans. Yijing, 695–713 CE.
Bechert, Heinz. 1973. ‘Notes on the Formation of Buddhist Sects and the Origins of the Mahāyāna’. In German Scholars on India: contributions to Indian studies, edited by F. Max Müller, vol.1, 6–18. Varanasi: Chowknamba Sanskrit Series Office.
Bechert, Heinz. and Yuyama Akira. 1979. Systematische Ubersichtuber die buddhistische Sanskrit-Literatur (A systematic survey of Buddhist Sanskrit literature).Wiesbaden: Steiner.
Chattopadhyay, Jayanti. 1994. Bodhisattva Avadānakalpalatā: A Critical Study. Calcutta: Atisha Memorial Publication Society.
Dayal, Har. 1932. The Bodhisattva Doctrine in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Dutt, Nalinaksa. 1930. Aspects of Mahāyāna Buddhism and its Relation to Hīnayāna. London: Luzac.
Feer, L. 1891. Avadāda-çataka, cent légendes (bouddhiques) traduites du sanskrit (Annales du Musée Guimet, vol. 18). Paris: Leroux.
Frauwallner, Erich. 1956. The Earliest Vinaya and the Beginnings of Buddhist Literature. Translated from the German by L. Petech. Rome: Is. M. E. O.
Grünwedel, Albert. 1912. Altbuddhistiche Kultstätten in Chinesisch Turkestan. Berlin: Georg Reimer.
Hahn, Michael. 1992. ‘The Avadānaśataka and its Affiliation’. In Proceedings of the XXXII International Congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg 25th–30th August 1986, edited by A. Wezler and E. Hammerschmidt, 170–171. Stuttgart: F. Steiner.
Hartmann, Jens-Uwe. 1999. ‘Buddhist Sanskrit Texts from Northern Turkestan and their Relation to the Chinese Tripiṭaka’. In Buddhism Across Boundaries: Chinese Buddhism and the Western Regions, edited by Erik Zürcher et al., 107–136. Taipei County: Foguang Cultural Enterprise Co.
Hdul-bagshi, Sman-gyigshi no. 1030, vol. 6, 222b–223c [Tibetan text].
Hirano, Shinkan平野真完. 1961. ‘Bezeklik dai 9 go kutsuji yu meibun no seiganga no kosatus ベゼクリク第九号窟寺銘文による誓願画の考察’ (Investigation of the Inscriptions and Paintings of Bezeklik Cave 9). Bijutsu Kenkyè no.218 .9: 27–44.
Hiraoka, Satoshi. 1998. ‘The Relation between the Divyānadāna and the Mūlasarvāstivāda vinaya’. Journal of Indian Philosophy 26: 419–434.
Howard, Angela. 1991. ‘In support of a new chronology for the Kizil mural paintings’. Archives of Asian Art 46: 68–83.
Jia, Yingyi. 1992. ‘Bezeklik Shiku Chutan (A Study of Bezeklik Caves)’. In Xinjiang Shiku—Turfan Bezeklik Shiku. Ed. by Xinjiang Museum. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe & Xinjiang Uighur zizhiqu bowuguan. [Unpaginated book].
Kumagai, Nobuo 熊谷宣夫.1962. ‘Ōtani korekusion no seiganga shiryō大谷コレクションの誓願画資料’. Bijutsu Kenkyū no. 218, 9: 83–108.
Le Coq, Albert. 1913.Chotscho: Facsimile-wiedergaben der wichtigeren Funde der ersten Königlich preussischen Expedition nach Turfan in Ost-Turkistan, im Auftrage der Generalverwaltung der Königlichen Museen aus Mitteln des Baessler-Institutes. Berlin: D. Reimer.
Le Coq, Albert. and E. Waldschmidt. 1923–1933. Die Buddhistische Spätantike in Mittelasien. 7 vols. Berlin: Reimer.
Leidy, Denies P. 2001. ‘Bezeklik Temple 20 and Early Esoteric Buddhism’. Silk Road Art and Archaeology 7: 201–222.
Lesbre, Emmanuelle. 2001. ‘An Attempt to Identify and Classify Scenes with a Central Buddha Depicted on Ceilings of the Kizil Caves’. Artibus Asiae vol. LXI: 305–354.
Li, Chongfeng 李崇峰. 2003. Zhongyin fojiao shikusi bijiao yanjiu 中印佛教石窟寺比較研究. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe.
Liu, Hongliang 柳洪亮. 1986. ‘Bezeklik shiku niandai shitan—genju Huihu gongyang renxiang dui dongku de duandai fenqi柏孜柯里克石窟年代试探—根據回鶻供養人像對洞窟的斷代分期’. Dunhuang yanjiu 3: 61–70, 106–108.
Liu, Yongzeng. 2001. ‘Bezeklik di 32 ku shiyuan tu jianshu’. Dunhuang yanjiu 1: 43–49.
Ma, Shichang. 1996. ‘Kizil zhongxinzhuku zhushi quanding yu houshi de bihua. ‘ In Zhongguo shiku— Kizil shiku II, 174–226. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.
Mair, Victo H. 1999. ‘The Khotanese Antecedents of The Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish (Xianyujing)’. In Buddhism Across Boundaries – Chinese Buddhism and the Western Regions Collection of Essays 1993, edited by E. Zürcher, 361–420. Taipei County: Foguangshan Foundation for Buddhist & Culture Education.
Meng, Fanren. 1981. ‘Xinjiang Bezeklik kusi liushi yu wai bihua xu lue’ (A Survey of the Bezeklik Paintings in the Foreign Collection). Kaogu yu wenwu 4: 43–61.
Meng, Fanren, et al. eds. 1995. Gaochang bihua jiyi. Urumuqi: Xinjiang Renmin chubanshe.
Nagai, Evelyn Naruye. 1977. Iconographic Innovations in Kuchean Buddhist Art. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.
Nakamura, Hajime. 1980. Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes. Hirakata.
Ohnuma, Reiko. 2007. Head Eyes Flesh and Blood: Giving Away the Body in Indian Buddhist Literature. New York: Columbia University Press.
Qiuci Shiku Yanjiusuo et al. eds. 1993. Kezi’er shikuzhi. Shanghai: Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe.
Sander, Lore. 1979. ‘Buddhist literature in Central Asia’. In Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, edited by Jotiya Dhirasekera, 4: 52–75. Colombo: the Government of Sri Lanka.
Sarkar, Sadhanchandra. 1981. C. A Study on the Jātakas and the Avadānas: Critical and Comparative. Calcutta: Saraswat Library.
Schopen, Gregory. 2004. ‘Deaths, Funerals, and the Division of Property in a Monastic Code’. In his Buddhist Monks and Business Matters: Still More Papers on Monastic Buddhism in India, 91–121. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
Sharma, Sharmistha. 1985. Buddhist Avadānas: Socio-political Economic and Cultural Study. Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers.
Speyer, J. S. ed. 1958. Avadādaçataka: a Century of Edifying Tales Belonging to the Hīnayāna. 2 vols. The Hague: Mouton. Orig. pub. 1902–1909.
Su, Bai 宿白.1989. ‘Kizil bufen dongku jieduan huafen yu niandai deng wenti de chubu tansuo. 克孜尔部分洞窟階段化分與年代等問題的初步探’. In Zhongguo shiku— Kizil shiku I, 10–23. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.
Takahata, Kanga, ed. 1954. Ratnamālāvadāna, A Garland of Precious Gems or a Collection of Edifying Tales, Belonging to the Mahāyāna. Oriental Library, series D, vol. 3. Toyo Bunko.
Vignato, Giuseppe 2004: Kizil dongku zuhe diaocha yu yanjiu—dui Qiucifojiao de xintansuo (An Archaeological Study of Groups of Caves in Kizil: A New Perspective of Buddhism in Kucha). PhD Dissertation, Beijing University.
Waldschmidt, Ernst, Walter Clawiter and Lore Sander et al. eds. 1965. Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden. Verzeichnis der Orientalischen Handschriften Handschriften in Deutschland, vol.1. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner.
Willemen, Charles, and Bart Dessein. 1998. Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Scholasticism. Leiden: Brill.
Yao, Shihong. 1987–88: ‘Kizil shiku bensheng gushigua de ticai zonglei’. Dunhuang yanjiu 3(1987): 65–74; 4(1987): 19–25; 1(1988): 18–21.
Yao, Shihong. 1997. ‘Kizil shiku bufen dongku zhushi zhengbi suhui ticai’. In Zhongguoshiku-Kizil shiku III, edited by Xinjiang Weiwuer Zizhiqu, 178–186. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.
Zhao, Li. 1993. ‘Xianyujing yu Kezi’er shiku benyuan gushi bihua (The Sūtra of the Wise and the Foolish’ and the stories of Jātakas and Avadānas in the Wall Paintings of Kizil Caves)’. Xiyu yanjiu 2: 97–103.
Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan kaogu yanjiushsuo shiyanshi. 1991. ‘Xinjiang Turfan he nanjiang diqu bufen shiku niandai ceding baogao’ (Test Report of the Dates of Some of the Caves at Turfan and Southern Region in Xinjian). Kaogu 11: 1039–1045.
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