Some Notes on Kamalaśīla’s Understanding of Insight Considered as the Discernment of Reality (bhūta-pratyavekṣā).
Issued Date: 29 Dec 2008
The present article aims to explain Kamalaṡīla’s understanding of the nature of insight, specifically considering it as the ‘discernment of reality’ (bhūta-pratyavekṣā) -- a technical term identified with insight (vipaśyanā) in the author’s well known Bhāvanākramaḥ texts. I approach my analysis of bhūta-pratyavekṣā from three different angles. I begin by providing a rationale for its translation. This is followed by an account of Kamalaśīla’s reading of key passages in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra describing the process to which the term refers. Here the aim is to illustrate Kamalaśīla’s understanding of bhūta-pratyavekṣā as it is actually experienced in meditation. The final section examines bhūta-pratyavekṣā in relation to other important technical terminology employed in the course of making arguments against his historical rival in debate, the Ch’an monk Mo ho yen. By providing these three different perspectives on the same process it is my hope that both scholars and practitioners will be able to more fully comprehend and benefit from the instructions provided by the ancient master Kamalaśīla.
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