CALICO Journal, Vol 23, No 2 (2006)

The Effects of CALL Versus Traditional L1 Glosses on L2 Reading Comprehension

Alan Taylor
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014


Meta-analytic research of experiments conducted on the effects of native-language (L1) glosses on second-language (L2) reading comprehension have revealed a significant difference between groups of studies with traditional and computer-assisted L1 glosses. This means that learners provided with L1 glosses comprehend significantly more text--through the medium of a computer--than learners with traditional, paper-based L1 glossing aids. The average weighted effect size of studies with computer-assisted L1 glosses is large (g = 1.09) and differs significantly (p < .001) when compared to studies with traditional L1 glosses (g = .39). This article explores factors explaining how and when computer-assisted L1 glosses can be effective in L2 reading comprehension.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.v23i2.309-318


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