A Study of Jordanian University Students' Perceptions of Using Email Exchanges with Native English Keypals for Improving Their Writing Competency
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014
English foreign language learners generally tend to consider email exchanges with native speakers (NSs) as an effective tool for improving their foreign language proficiency. This study investigated Jordanian university students' perceptions of using email exchanges with native English keypals (NEKs) for improving their writing competency. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to 110 university students in the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Arts at UNRWA University in Amman, Jordan. Results revealed that students' perceptions of using email interactions with native English speakers for improving their writing skills were generally positive. Results also showed significant differences among participants that were related to the availability of a computer at home, the number of years of study at the university, and the regularity of their email exchanges with NEKs. In light of the these results, the researcher proposes a number of pedagogical recommendations and some directions for future research.
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