CALICO Journal, Vol 16, No 1 (1999)

Is Computer-Based Grammar Instruction as Effective as Teacher- Directed Grammar Instruction for Teaching L2 Structures?

Joyce Nutta
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014


The study described here compared postsecondary English as a Second Language (ESL) students' acquisition of selected English structures based on the method of instruction -- computer-based instruction versus teacherdirected instruction.1 The results showed that for all levels of English proficiency, the computer-based students scored significantly higher on openended tests covering the structures in question than the teacher-directed students. No significant differences were found between the computerbased and teacher-directed students' scores on multiple choice or fill-inthe- blank tests. The results indicate that computer-based instruction can be an effective method of teaching L2 grammar.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.v16i1.49-62


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